Pleinairpril 2024 Week Three Recap – Isle of Skye

The Isle of Skye provides an endless amount of inspiration. Something about the light, fast moving weather, colors, and variety of landscape makes it the perfect place for any artist and photographer. Some friends were visiting from Germany and we decided to stay on Skye for a few days. Since they are not artists, I thought it would be challenging to keep up with my daily painting, but luckily there were opportunities along the way.

Here are some highlights from our days on Skye.

isle of skye in april
sketching on isle of skye

Hiking and Sketching at the Fairy Pools

plein air sketching at fairy pools skye
fairy pools of skye rainy

Hiking and Sketching at Quiraing

quiraing skye panoramic
plein air sketching quiraing skye

Exploring Coral Beach

coral beach skye

When we had bad weather, I painted from our rental at night. Thankfully our views were incredible! I painted the same view a few times on different days.

sketching isle of skye
portree highland cow

The weather changes very quickly on Skye – here’s the same view within minutes, and it continued to go back and forth.

crazy weather on skye

After returning home and saying goodbye to my friends, I took one day off to recuperate, then got back to work. My last two days of the week were fun study days.

I participated in the Warrior Art Camp demo by Gia Dong which was really cool.

Gia Dong demonstration

And spent some time studying green fields. This time of year the sheep have lambs and the fields are bright green and yellow. I love driving around in April and May to witness the colorful patchwork.

plein air gouache green fields in Scotland

And that wraps up week three! It was so much fun but very tiring. I learned a lot as usual! In the next post I’ll share the week 4 recap.

You can watch video of these beautiful locations in the first half of this video:

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I'm an independent artist living in Scotland. Always chasing the light, and painting the beautiful highlands.

One thought on “Pleinairpril 2024 Week Three Recap – Isle of Skye

  1. Hi Sarah another excellent tutorial very inspirational thank you for another very helpful fearless brush would be lost without this very interesting info

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